Monday, February 22, 2010

Red Velvet = Smiles

I have a major sweet tooth. I worship the Sugar God. And in LA, satiating that sweet tooth can get expensive. So about a year ago, I became an addict - to Sprinkles Red Velvet cupcakes. And at $4 a pop, that's a pretty expensive habit to pick up. So I went on a search for the Day of the Deal to cure myself of my addiction to overpriced cupcakes. And I found my Day of the Deal at the local Ralph's. It's funny because my friend had to coax me into trying the individually sliced red velvet cake from the bakery aisle. It changed my life. The moist, rich cake with the perfect cream cheese frosting. It was my birthday all over again. And it's like two bucks cheaper. Yes. Go me and my Day of the Deal.

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